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Design Disruption Explores Architecture and the Public Realm with Benedetta Tagliabue and Vishaan Chakrabarti


The COVID-19 Pandemic is a disruptive moment for our world, and it’s poised to spur transformative shifts in design, from how we experience our homes and offices to the plans of our cities. The webcast series Design Disruption explores these shifts—and address issues like climate change, inequality, and the housing crisis— through chats with visionaries like architects, designers, planners and thinkers; putting forward creative solutions and reimagining the future of the built environment.

Episode 3 will be streamed online on ArchDaily Facebook, Monday, July 27, at 11:30 am EST, and will focus on the future of Architecture and the Public Realm. Our guests will be Benedetta Tagliabue, co-founder of Barcelona-based EMBT, and Vishaan Chakrabarti, founder of Practice for Architecture and Urbanism and incoming William W. Wurster Dean of the College of Environmental Design at the University of California, Berkeley.

Design Disruption Explores Architecture and the Public Realm with Benedetta Tagliabue and Vishaan Chakrabarti - More Images

Tagliabue’s notable works include the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh, Diagonal Mar Park and Santa Caterina market in Barcelona, Campus Universitario de Vigo, and the Spanish Pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. She has been a visiting professor at Harvard University, Columbia University and Barcelona ETSAB. Chakrabarti is leading complex urban design projects like Brooklyn's Domino Sugar Refinery, Philadelphia's Schuylkill Yards, and Detroit’s Michigan Central Station. He recently became Dean of the College of Environmental Design at the University of California, Berkeley.

Santa Caterina Market, Barcelona. © Roland Halbe. Courtesy of EMBT.
Pennsylvania Station Proposal, New York. Courtesy of Practice for Architecture and Urbanism.

The series is co-hosted by New York-based architectural writer Sam Lubell, who has written ten books about architecture, and contributes regularly to the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Wallpaper, Dwell, and Architectural Digest; and Bangalore-based Social Entrepreneur Prathima Manohar, a contributor to The Times of India and founder of think do tank The Urban Vision. Our goal is to provide an international perspective, mixing guests from different continents. ArchDaily is the main media partner for this series.

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About this author
Cite: Diego Hernández. "Design Disruption Explores Architecture and the Public Realm with Benedetta Tagliabue and Vishaan Chakrabarti" 27 Jul 2020. ArchDaily. Accessed 13 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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